It's been a while.since I've been here.  Wanted to update you on some things.

I can feel the victory. I can feel that overwhelming power of freedom.

When I set out to start this ministry, I didn't have a dime. I didn't have anything but a vision.  Through that vision I  have been able to tell people about what it is that I wanted and was looking for, which created the logo for dayzafter.  "Like branches on a tree we all have a purpose." My purpose is different from your purpose, but we all have a purpose. Some come into our lives for the purpose of saving us from ourselves. Some come for the purpose of bring solution to pain and destruction, but whatever the purpose is keep putting one foot infront the other.

I was lead to a group of women from different states, who meet every Sunday to encourage each other via an app. We pray. We share. We encourage and motivate for the sole purpose of rebuilding each other's strength in trying times.

I have been lead to people that have the skills of Grant writing, people that speak on empowering women to building better environments for themselves. People that offer training in better helping our young people to live better lives. Change your environment you change your perspective.

As I continue on this mission, I encourage you to stay on this journey with me, lets rebuild ourselves,  our community, each other one prayer one thought at a time.

Let's get to our dayzafter



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