CHILDREN IN THE MIDDLE: The Ugly fight of Divorce and Separation

Tips for parents facing Divorce and Separation This week I had to deal with the reality that people don't fight fair when they are hurting. They will do everything to hurt you because they themselves are hurting and can't handle the emotions that are overwhelming and overbearing for them. The question today is, if it's that overbearing and overwhelming for YOU, why would you transfer that to your CHILDREN? Things that you can do to prevent children from being in the middle when going through a Divorce or Separation 1. Fight fair. Don't change the normal routine on purpose out of spite. Children can't handle too many changes at one time, especially if they are very young. 2. Stop making them feel that they need to choose: Don't try to outshine the other parent by seeing who can buy the best or most things. In those critical times treats and tricks is not want brings peace, time and genuine and an ability to be empathetic is...