periscope, #powerscope #dayzafter #purposeliving

Dayz After is a brand platform that is geared towards affecting changing in peoples lives that have lost their children as a result of cps involvement. our goal is to encourage, uplift, empower and get you to live again. our stories are real, they are relatable and they are present. we share a common bond, a common struggle, a common motivation. in that we have had cps in our lives. We all hold the power to determine how much involvement that the state has in our families. The question is have you given up all of your power or are you struggling between what percentage remains with you. Too many times we give up all of our power when we need to keep it all. Know what your power struggles are, will help you to avoid them at all cost. No matter what situation you find yourself, you have the power to change your circumstances. Are you going to wallow in self pity and allow a system that is not totally geared towards building famil...