Encouragement for Healing

It is 4 am, I guess things are looking up because I am up two hours later than normal. Well I got up to a strange request and as I sit and meditate I realize that there are so many women suffering in this world. I am amazed at the things that we have to go through but we know that we have a maker than can see us through those dark days. I Hope to encourage someone with this word this morning. God promised us that he will never leave us nor forsake us, meditate on those things.
These verses are encouragement in times of hurt and trouble. bind them on your heart, call on them at a moments notice.
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 55:22
1 Peter 5:7
Isa 26:3 - my favorite
Psalm 118:14-16
Psalm 119:114-115
Psalm 119:50
Psalm 120:1
The goal of this ministry is to help encourage you. I am no different than you. I have been through what I am trying to help you with. so we go on this journey together. The bible states, : I die daily." so we will go through this journey together. be encouraged today.


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